FUE Hair Transplant Turkey: What you need to know | Getting a hair transplant is a big decision and there is a lot of information on the internet about the procedure. Sometimes it can be quite hard to work out what information is important and what information is actually correct.
Today we’re telling you everything you need to know about getting a hair transplant, we want you to know all of the important information without having to dig through some of the misinformation you might find online.
There is more than one type of hair transplant
One of the most important things to know when looking into hair transplants is that there isn’t only one type of hair transplant. Over time, the hair transplant process has improved, giving you the most current and specialised method FUE, which is the only hair transplant method we offer at the Micro Fue Turkey | FUE Hair Transplant Turkey
Older transplantation methods such as FUT transplants work in a different way and can leave patients with unnatural-looking results, as well as scarring to the scalp that can then, in some cases, need an FUE hair transplant turkey to disguise.
Research is key to getting a good hair transplant
Research is an important part of the hair transplant process, it might not seem like an important part of the process, but it really is.
It’s important to research different hair restoration treatments to decide what treatment is best for you, you should then consider researching different clinics and case studies to see what your results could look like. Research is an important part of the process to ensure you get the best hair transplant possible.
Aftercare is pretty simple
A lot of people assume that hair transplant aftercare is going to be complex. At the Micro Fue Turkey, we give you everything you’ll need for a simple and easy recovery. FUE hair transplant turkey are a minimally invasive procedure that results in a quick recovery.
We advise our patients to take 7-14 days off of work, depending on the size of the procedure and individual healing characteristics. Before you leave the clinic, you will be advised of a personalised aftercare program which involves taking a 4-day course of antibiotics to ensure against infection, medications to avoid post-operative swelling and a specialised shampoo.
It is the most permanent hair restoration procedure
We often get asked a lot of questions about the cost of a hair transplant and if it’s worth it. The one thing we think is important for our patents to know is a hair transplant is the most permanent form of hair restoration. During a hair transplant, hair follicles from the back and side of the scalp are transplanted to thinning areas. These hair follicles will then continue their normal growth pattern in the new area of the scalp.
Other hair restoration treatments such as medication, hair loss shampoos and even some forms of scalp micro pigmentation are not permanent solutions which means you could be trying to restore your hair loss for the rest of your life. Most people only have to have one hair transplant procedure in their life.
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It has long been recognized that hair loss is an important factor affecting both men and women. In Turkey, we have top-quality medical facilities to let you address this easily, and more importantly, it is affordable. Cost does not alter the quality of this procedure, so now you can afford to get the hair transplant you want. Micro Fue Istanbul
Hair Transplant Turkey
FUE method is, in essence, the process of harvesting grafts/follicular units from the donor area, one by one, using a micromotor. There are many different techniques to transfer grafts. (Such as DHI or transfers made with incision).In the course of time this term has become the umbrella term for the transfer techniques performed with incision.FUE hair transplantation started to be applied for the first time.
DHI Hair Transplant
DHI Hair Transplantation is a specific implantation method which is done by using an implanter pen injector. The implantation is done after extracting and sorting suitable grafts from donor areas and implanting them in the requested receptor area. This method is one of the most researched transplantation methods by individuals who are interested in having the procedure done today.
Be Stylish to Attract Your Partner

A strong head of hair is very important to attract the opposite sex. Losing your hair causes psychological problems, loss of self-confidence and it can be depressing. Hair loss can completely change your life. It does not have to be this way! There is an answer, there is a solution. Microfue Turkey has the knowledge, the staff, and the facilities to reverse the problem of hair loss.
The official name for hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, we just call it going bald, and yes it really does affect both men and women, and it really can be debilitating. Hair Transplant Turkey
Over the last decade, technology and technological advancement have come on in leaps and bounds. Incredible microsurgical tools have been developed to make hair transplant possible and the results are remarkable.
I am sure you want to understand how it works. It is really quite simple to explain: it involves transplants from healthy areas of hair, normally the back of the head but if needed even from your beard, that part is not for the ladies! This healthy hair is harvested and implanted into the areas where hair growth is thinning. Hair Transplant Turkey
It is all your own hair so no difficulties matching. It is a perfect match already. The treatment is undertaken by professional hair transplant surgeons, as well as technicians. The treatment normally takes between 6-8 hours depending on the number of transplant requirements.
How Does It Work?
There is a set of procedures required for a successful transplant, so I will tell you what happens.
Get Ready for Operation! Any Questions? Ask Us!

Before your transplant, you must prepare yourself for the procedure. If you have questions, ask them, that is why we are here for! We will explain everything to you. If you are still unsure, let us know and we will make you completely aware of everything you wish to know. If you are a smoker, it is important that you stop smoking for at least a week before your operation.
If you take aspirin you also need to stop taking it for a week before your surgery. Three days before you get your surgery, stop drinking alcohol, green tea, and caffeinated drinks. Then, you are ready for your procedure.
Make arrangements for you to take 3 days to rest after your procedure. A couple more days would be better if possible. On the day of your procedure, eat a healthy breakfast, if your procedure is in the afternoon a light meal for lunch is recommended to you. When you arrive for your surgery, you should wear a sweatshirt with a zip at the front or a buttoned-up shirt. Avoid wearing anything that will come into contact with your head after the procedure when getting undressed or dressed. This is to make sure that you do not damage your new transplant graft.
You are Ready! Now It is Our Turn!
Please be sure to be on time on the day of your surgery. Now you are ready for the operation, you have done your part. It is time for us to do ours. On the day of your surgery, this is what you can expect. First, you will be given local anaesthetic, and a blood test, this is done to ensure no patient has a condition that prevents the procedure going ahead. Results are back long before your procedure begins. You will be given an introductory presentation by the surgical staff.

This is a unique presentation that we undertake at Micro Fue Turkey. It is for you to be prepared psychologically for your treatment. It also gives you information about the impact and results of your procedure. The aim is to make you aware of realistic expectations and dispel any false promises or exaggerated results.
Next, you will receive individual consultation with your own doctor. You can tell him or her your expectations, your doctor will fully assess if your expectations can be met. If your expectations cannot be met, alternative proceedings will be offered. We will give you a visual demonstration of what can be achieved. Hair Transplant Turkey
Once that is undertaken, the final procedure will be finalized at all points both you and your doctor will agree on the final recommendation.
Hair Transplant Turkey Operation Starts!

Next, your surgical team will mark your scalp showing the extent of the procedure, your head will be shaved, and your anaesthesia will be administered. You will need to wear a surgical gown in preparation for the surgery.
Your clothes and personal property will be kept safe inside a locker in a secure room.Using local anaesthetic means you are awake throughout the procedure.
It is possible that you might feel some discomfort with your first few injections of anaesthetic or a burning sensation. But this goes away quickly and you will feel no pain during the surgery. Hair Transplant Bodrum
The anaesthetic takes effect after 15-20 minutes. After that time you will not feel any pain. Then the procedure can begin. Firstly, extraction of the graft plugs. This is done by the most up to date equipment called the micromotor fue method, this allows faster extraction than previously available systems.
The grafts are collected ready for implantation. The grafts are kept in a specialist protective liquid while waiting to be implanted.
Opening Canals for Implantation
The next part is the most important and critical part of your hair transplant Turkey : opening of canals for implantation. This makes it look natural once complete. The amount of these canals is determined by the amount of extracted hair. More local anaesthetic will be administered where the implanted hair will be placed.
This is the point where the presence of experienced surgeons is imperative, because the professional experience is needed for the best results possible. The whole procedure is determined by this important part of the entire surgery.

Most of our doctors guarantee that this is successful.Almost finished now! The last step is implantation. The duration is completely dependent on the patient and the amount of implants. At all times, bleeding will be monitored because everyone has different bleeding behaviour. But bleeding is inevitable, because we are piercing skin. Once all the implants are in, this is effectively the end of your hair transplant surgery.
No doubt you are wondering about the cost for your treatment. Whereas most clinics around the world charge per graft, in Turkey this is not very common. Here we charge per operation as an all- inclusive package! Thereby, we remove a lot of stress from the whole thing. We advise you undertake market research to make sure you get the absolute best solution and cost for you. Caution should be considered if you find a significantly less expensive offering or indeed a much higher cost for a similar package.After your procedure.
Operation is Done! What to do After Implanation?
It will take between 12-18 months before your hair to adjust to its new home. It is not an immediate transformation. The first 3-4 months will require a little patience and the transplant hair will fall off. But that is totally normal.
Now it is up to you. The final look depends on your behaviour, your reduction of the amount you smoke, and keeping up a healthy diet. Avoid using commercial shampoos. Take some vitamins and complexes that help nourish your hair. All of these will help your hair transplant become successful and encourage new hair growth. Hair Transplant Turkey
Although rare, if patients are disappointed with the results, it is often because of not taking care of the treatment received. The best way to have the best results is to follow the guidelines given to you.
At Micro Fue Turkey, we will provide clients with all the information needed for a successful treatment, and will continue to monitor and support you through the entire process. We will give you a post-operation handbook and kit to help you for every future step.
Hopefully, you are more aware of your treatment, but you can always give us a call to learn about anything you are still concerned about.We hope to welcome you for your hair transplant surgery soon.
Why you should choose turkey for hair transplant? Unique hospitality Hair Transplant Turkey Higher Quality and Lower Prices Progressive Methods Internationally Aware No Waiting Lists A Quick Recovery Great Places to Stay and Visit Hair Transplant Techniques FUT Technique FUE Technique The FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) Hair Transplant The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplant The Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant PROCEDURE Contact! Sending Images For Hair Analysis + Online Consultation Arrange Date Of Operation! The dates we agree on are very important as they will guide our decisions and actions in the steps to follow. Book Flights Arrival at the Hospital + Blood Test Care Measures After the Operation